What to visit / Themed routes / Contemporary Route / Art Museums / Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Casa de la Caritat
  • Copyright Adrià Goula

  • Copyright Adrià Goula

  • Copyright Adrià Goula

  • Copyright Adrià Goula

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Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Casa de la Caritat

Housed in the former almshouse, the Casa de la Caritat, which was built in 1802 on the site of a medieval monastery. The façade and part of the original courtyard have been preserved; the rest was rebuilt using glass and steel. The CCCB is a space for creation and research as well as the dissemination of, and debate on contemporary culture, where the visual arts, literature, philosophy, film, music, transmedia activity and the performing arts are interconnected in an interdisciplinary programme. It also offers activities and exhibitions in the field of science, technology and innovation.

The CCCB centres its activities on creative research and the production of knowledge through a series of core projects produced in-house, such as thematic exhibitions and other live events and digital formats: international debates, the CCCB Lab, the literature platform Kosmopolis, the Beta line of activities, the Xcèntric experimental film festival and other events.

On the fifth floor of the center you'll find the Mirador, recently inaugurated, which allows you to enjoy magnificent panoramic views of the city thanks to its glass facade.

If you're interested in art museums, don't miss the Articket, the pass providing skip-the-line admission to Barcelona's 6 top art museums. Valid for 12 months with savings of 45%.

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